Sunday, January 18, 2009

In the Beginning

There was a time in our lives when we were full of hope and possibilities. Then something happened. Perhaps you suffered a harsh childhood. Maybe you were surrounded by constant negativity. Maybe you were never told that you could be anything you wanted to be. Or maybe you did receive encouragement and positive validation as you were growing up, but life has dealt you a few blows that have become crippling to you.

F.A.T= Falsely Applied Thoughts

Some where, some how, you have gotten it into your psyche that you are just not worth the effort of anything good. Or that you are not good enough and don't measure up. What a lie! Our minds are a powerful tool--a weapon, that can either propel you, or hinder you. It all depends on the kind of information that it receives.

Whether you struggle with weight, your career, education, relationships, etcetera; we can link our successes and failures to the way we think. The way in which we perceive ourselves to be. Just as in the physical body, when too much fat accumilates, it can cause disease, disability, immobility, and death. So it is with our minds, our soul and spirit. When we have too much F.A.T(falsely applied thoughts), it can cause hinderances in our lives. We can become disabled. Suffering death to our hopes and dreams, immobilizing us in our spirit.

What Happened?

Have you ever caught yourself saying negative things about yourself? Where did you get that from? Where did those thoughts come from? The words we speak are powerful. Life and death are certainly in the power of the tongue.

There are a number of people that have influence over our lives. People that help shape who we are as an individual, Many people have grown up hearing that they were: stupid, dumb, fat, useless, will never amount to anything, or your just like your father or mother (in a negative sense). Was it true? No. But it was accepted as truth, and applied to the young psyche of that child. It ruminates in the recesses of the mind, always lurking, and coming to the forefront to strike at an appointed time to hinder you from the success and joy that you can have in life.

Unless there is someone that is present in your life to speak positive affirmations, and counter attack all the negativity, chances are, the road ahead will be a very bumpy one. Filled with self-depricating behavior which leads to a life less extraordinary than one would hope for and deserve.

A New Foundation

What we need is a new foundation. A new place to start from. But in order to have a new foundation, we have to rip the old one up. Digging deep to rid ourselves of all those crippling and hindering thoughts that we have allowed to dictate our lives. All the lies that we were ever told, or told ourselves.

Next Week...
Foundations...What is truth and what is a lie? Where do we start?...

Sunday, January 11, 2009


A little put off by the title, Die F.A.T Girl, Die? It's understandable, but don't be. If we can't be honest with ourselves, and really say what's on our minds and in our hearts, how will we ever be able to delve into those most deepest places, and receive healing for what hurts us the most?I didn't come by the title just on a whim. I really thought about it, and knew that for some, it may stir up some raw emotions and be taken the wrong way. But you know what? Life is too short, and I can't worry about how people may misinterpret what I mean, if they don't take the time to read and find out what I mean by, Die F.A.T Girl, Die!

I have struggled with my weight for a very long time. I was believing things about myself that were not true, and the thoughts that would come to my mind, I accepted as truth. What a load of crap! You know what? We are not only fighting a physical battle when it comes to weight--we are fighting a battle of the mind! There are thoughts that have found its way into our psyche, and has crippled us from living the best life we could. These crippling thoughts have literally trapped us, and stopped many from moving forward and living the life that God intended for them to live!

Well, I say enough is enough! It is time to shed the light on those thoughts that we may have thought ourselves, or that others may have placed upon us. If you really want to live the best life you can; if you truly desire to change the way your body is, then you are going to have to commit to first making a change in your mind. Is it easy? Nope! You may have to pull yourself kicking and screaming at first. But you won't be sorry.

I have to honestly say that God gave me, Die F.A.T Girl, Die! sometime last year. It has been a work in progress...within myself. I first had to understand what God was saying to me. And why use such a term? Because there is a part of us that must die. We must kill those, Falsely Applied Thoughts that have hindered our lives. Those thoughts that have made us look at ourselves less appreciative.

There are dreams, hopes, and desires that we have put off for a long time, because somewhere we have convinced ourselves that we don't deserve it. That we are not worth it. But God said, we are worth more than we will ever know, and it is about time we start living life the way God has ordained us to.

I have to admit, I kind of got a chuckle at the title. I was like, "God? Are you serious? What will people think?" God said: "Does it matter, when I am the one talking?" God has a sense of humor, if you didn't know.I don't speak as someone on the outside looking in. I speak from years of experience, and having gone through many a battle, with the scars to prove it. But there comes a time in your life when you have to take a stand and decide if you are going to participate in life or just allow life to happen. It doesn't matter what shape you are in at this point in life. What matters the most is where your mind is? If you can look past your physical, and allow God to heal your mental, you can overcome, and recover from the crippling effects of those falsely applied thoughts.

It is my intentions to share how to overcome those dangerous thoughts. How to renew your mind and opinion of yourself. It is my hope that you will join me on this journey, as we free ourselves, and learn to live the best life that God has already ordained for us to live.Here's to the death of that F.A.T girl! The one that says you can't and never will. Here's to the you that says I can, and I WILL!


©2009. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.